
Showing posts from 2019

Baby Steps to Reducing Waste

I will be the first to admit that sometimes I wish I could still be ignorant about the amount of trash we human beings produce.....  It would make life blissfully simplified if I could. But unfortunately the damage has been done. Growing up in Texas we rarely recycled anything other than aluminum cans. If it ain't broke, don't fix it; and if it is broke then just toss it was the order of the day for us as well as every other family I knew growing up. As an adult I casually looked into recycling but it wasn't an option at our apartment complex and the recycling center nearest to where we lived was rarely open, so into the trash nearly everything went. I look back now and feel sick to my stomach thinking about how many trips I made to the dumpster during the week in out 7 year sojourn there. I was blissfully unaware of how much waste we were actually creating. Moving to Northern California has opened my eyes to how wasteful I was being in so many ways, and not jus