
Showing posts from February, 2013

A Link to the Past...

Being a grown up can be a challenge. Some of us take to it better than others but I'm sure we all have something we wish we could still do. Every time we think about it makes us all warm and toasty inside. We look back and sigh... For me it's video games! I know... Such slothfulness, such irresponsibility. Useless time sucker of a diversion. For me it's not necessarily the games themselves its the time I spent with people I love so much playing them. We came across our first system late in life and what a wonder it was. My brother purchased it off of a friend along with some games for around 8 bucks. And our young lives were changed forever; for in that batch of games we found a game to end all games. The Legend of Zelda Link to the Past. To this day I can still navigate the entire game by memory. The time I spent with my siblings solving the dungeons and finding the treasure is still one if my favorite memories. Back in those days we couldn't look up the Gamefaqs,

A Fine Hello

The first thing you should know about me is I am an odd cookie. Always have been and it seems I'm doomed to remain so. I find that I'm okay with that... The world would be a very grey place without them. Secondly, I am not going to theme this blog as of right now. Right now it's just my thoughts. Airing them out is always a good thing. Lastly, my intention is for this blog to be fun and interesting. I'm open to all kinds of constructive criticism and I want to know other people's thoughts on my thoughts. Feel free to comment but let's keep things fun and friendly.